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Thoughts to share
I've been speaking to many people this past month as we've quarantined. Many of us feel scattered brained, forgetful, absentminded, and on an emotional roller coaster.
It is important that we not underestimate the impact of being quarantined and compelled to using life saving precautions for ordinary activities. Our current social subtext produces a constant level of stress.
Under these conditions its important to take good care of our relationships (family members and friends). How we talk to friends and family these days is central to promoting and maintaining a supportive caring social ambiance. We all benefit from feeling cared for and loved.
It is essential to avoid talking and relating in ways that create distance, shame and emotional harm.
Activities to avoid are raising your voice, as well as being unnecessarily critical, sarcastic or snide. Now is not the time to be insulting or putting anyone down.
We forget the harm our words can inflict on others, even if we're "joking".
When someone is upset or just having a difficulty moment. Be empathetic. Ask them how they are doing. Listen. Don't tell them how or why they're feeling. Rather let them talk as much as they are willing. Often just being with them is supportive enough.
Today being safe includes being careful with our loved one. Be supportive, optimistic, loving.
Be safe
This quarantine is not what I expected and it has been really difficult trying to stay up and keep a positive attitude energy.
Thank you for these words, I will try and call my friends and family in order to keep up with a positive energy during this period.
thank you for your comment…all the best
The experience that I have had and that my friends and family have had has been a great lesson. In my case, you could say that I teach myself to be more humble, more grateful to my people, since I had an experience that has taught me to grow as a human being since my husband was infected with the virus and was so ill and I did not want you to take him to the hospital. Because his thought was that they would let him die there; what could I do, if he was to live or die it was a thing of God. Fortunately, the remedies we used worked very well, but it was very painful to see how he struggled to breathe, I saw it in the videos that people posted on social networks, but I never stopped to think what was serious, only if you lived closely you understand. It is devastating, this virus should never be underestimated and we must abide by the quarantine order. I believe that the mind of every human being is powerful, you just have to look for the moment to be positive and say out loud this is what there is I have no other thing, so I have to adapt and for what they believe that God exists is a more incentive to achieve it. Another thing that helps us control anxiety is when we are useful for others, think of the most vulnerable family and friends such as the elderly and children, or those who already have some conditions that put them in more danger if they obtain the COVID-19.
thank you for your comment, much appreciated.
I’m going through the quarantine alone, as my kids live with their mother in Germany. Friends helped me get through COVID-19 by leaving food outside my door — and a daily call to my ex and kids was a real boost. She and I know each other’s faults well and we are being conscious of the importance of consideration, gentleness and support for each other, even at a distance. Not a bad idea to continue when get to the happy post COVID period!
Thank you for your comment. Much appreciated